Doctora Martha Vargas
Doctora Martha Vargas
Doctora Martha Vargas
Doctora Martha Vargas
Doctora Martha Vargas

My name is Martha Vargas and I'm a dentist, periodontist, and strategic implants master's degree holder.

Strategic Implants

Master's degree holder in this Swiss dental implant technology that can resolve any situation in 72 hours.


Made to Move
An alternative teeth straightening treatment to braces. The most advanced clear aligners of the world.

Periodontal Procedures

Periodontist Specialist and active member of the Colombian Association of Periodontics and Osseointegration.

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Doctora Martha Vargas Implantes Dentales


Dr. Martha Vargas is a Master in Immediate Loading Strategic Implantology, a minimally invasive Swiss technique that rehabilitates the smiles of patients with different bone conditions, in only 72 hours and with greater benefits.

Periodoncia Martha Vargas Regenera


Member of the Colombian Society of Periodontology. We take care of preventing, treating and controlling gum disease and the bone that supports the teeth. It also improves gingival esthetics, improving gingival symmetry and the appearance of the teeth.


We offer different techniques of Orthodontics, fixed and removable, to achieve a correct adaptation between orofacial tissues, as well as a proper occlusion and dental alignment that provide quality of life to patients, in addition to improving their smile.


I am Dr. Martha Vargas

At Martha Vargas Regenera we are interested in understanding the needs of each of our patients and provide them with the ideal treatment according to their needs and possibilities. We are characterized by providing a service with sense and human quality, we are highly trained in various specialties of dentistry, thus receiving recognition for the effort and work of our patients. At Martha Vargas Regenera we are part of a great team and family that works with talent, ethics and values.

We are

your best choice

State-of-the-art technology and innovation

More than 8 years of recognition

Biosafety protocols



What is Apicoectomy?

Apicoectomy is a surgical procedure to amputate the tip of the tooth root due to infection. It is a surgery performed under local

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Calle 151 # 18A - 34 Consultorio 204

322 683 5868 - 601 229 8064


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