
Why should you know about Periodontics? What is it and which diseases does it help to fight?

It is the specialty in charge of preventing, treating and controlling diseases of the gums and the bone that support the teeth. This specialty also takes care of gingival esthetics, in case it is necessary to level the zenith points of the teeth in the anterior zone. This treatment achieves gingival symmetry, thus improving the appearance of the teeth.

Do you know the differences between perdiodontitis, gingivitis and periodontitis? Dr. Martha Vargas teaches you the meaning of each one.

Periodontium: It is the set of tissues that surrounds and supports the teeth (gum, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone and root cementum).

Gingivitis: It is a bacterial disease caused by food debris left in the mouth and is characterized by inflammation and bleeding of the gums.

Periodontitis: It is characterized by gingival recession and bone loss, if left untreated, leaving the tooth without bone support. The loss of this support base implies the loss of the tooth.

We work with other types of treatments related to regeneration:

Platelet-rich plasma, growth factors/bio-stimulation Do you know what it is for?

It is used for its modulating and stimulating properties for the proliferation of cells derived from stem cells of mesenchymal origin. Its benefits in healing: It has components such as fibrin (a substance produced in the liver that causes blood to clot) and high concentrations of growth factors that are believed to aid in healing.

In addition, it can be used in the regenerative treatment of joint and tendon injuries. It also seeks to improve blemishes, acne (and its sequelae), stretch marks and scars.

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We correct anomalies of the teeth and jaw bones using various fixed or removable techniques depending on the case.


It allows us to remove the dental pulp in pieces that have lost their vitality in order to maintain oral health and functionality.


Through this area of dentistry we restore function, esthetics and oral harmony by means of various dental prostheses.


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