Consultorio odontológico Doctora Martha Vargas


The use of probiotics in the care of teeth, bones and gums is of great help and importance for oral health. Recall that probiotics are great allies in fighting bacteria, including those that cause tooth decay, gum disease and other periodontal problems including peri-implantitis, which is an infection that can be caused by some dental implants. This has been demonstrated in studies where it is confirmed that oral health connects with our whole organism, it does not miss the phrase it says: “Health enters through the mouth”.This is a reality nowadays because we live at high speed and we do not pay enough importance to our oral health.


Let’s call probiotics “Good Bacteria”. These bacteria fight pathogenic (bad) bacteria, providing a benefit not only in oral health but also in other parts of the body from which the host benefits, in this case, all the mucosal parts of the human body, since they harbor bacteria that can be colonized by non-beneficial bacteria, thus affecting the health of the organism. Probiotics come to combat all these colonies starting to generate a welfare gradually but very effective, being of great help in periodontal and general health of our patients.

In the market we can find different brands that have focused on the use of these probiotics such as Lactobacillus , which administered in adequate doses keep controlled not only gastrointestinal problems, but everything related to the health of our oral cavity and all its tissues.


In the case of oral health, you must first attend a dental checkup where the treating specialist will show the condition of all internal tissues. In this case, it is essential that the patient is healthy in order to start the use of probiotics correctly.

If the patient has in the mouth the presence of calculus or any periodontal anomaly, the ideal is to treat it according to the indication of the treating dentist who will then give the approval to start using probiotics correctly, and thus see a satisfactory evolution in the health of the oral cavity.


The management of probiotics should be allied to the concept of the treating dentist, since he/she is the one who determines the amount and doses to be administered per day.

For maintenance, the normal dosage is one tablet per day dissolved in the mouth, being the most advisable at night, because we must remember that at this time we are at rest and the same amount of saliva is not generated, so all pathogenic bacteria increase. At this time of the day, probiotics are a great support to keep the oral cavity of patients in an optimal condition.

In addition, it is essential to maintain good oral hygiene habits in gums, teeth, tongue, cheeks and palate, so it is important:

  • Manage a proper brushing technique with an ideal brushing time of at least two minutes.
  • Use a toothpaste that meets the patient’s needs, this is very important since each patient’s mouth has different needs and characteristics.
  • Use dental floss, because there are places where the toothbrush is not enough to clean and the floss is our ally to comply with an ideal hygiene.

These practices are very important because they help the treatments performed by the specialist to be successful and long-lasting. It is also vital for oral health to visit the dentist’s office at least twice a year to prevent any type of disease and avoid its evolution.

If you need more information, contact us and we will give you the advice you need

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Picture of Dra. Martha Vargas

Dra. Martha Vargas

Con mas de 20 años de experiencia en el campo de la odontología, es una de las pioneras en la técnica de Implantología Estratégica de Carga Inmediata en Colombia. Manejo de tratamientos bajo sedación para pacientes nerviosos. Miembro de la Asociación Colombiana de Periodoncia, se caracteriza por el amor a su trabajo y la calidad humana con quienes le rodean.


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